On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 01:31:58AM -0500, Peter Salzman wrote:
> Third time is a charm, perhaps.  I'm trying to get Apache to work.
> I can access dirac.org successfully from inside my network; I can't
> access it from outside my home network.  Apache is running on a Linux
> box on satan: and I'm testing it from a MS Windows machine
> on lucifer:  My ISP is optimum online.  Here are some
> clues.
Are you on ppp or pppoe? When you try to telnet in from outside,
you should be able to do GET / HTTP/1.0 and the server will
respond, but instead the connection closes. This makes me think
that a small connection is working but not for more data, and
maybe path mtu discovery and/or tcp maximum segment size
negotiation are broken because pppoe has an mtu of 1492 instead
of the ethernet mtu of 1500. It might be wrong, but I think being
able to get response headers from the server over telnet from
outside would be the next progress to make in troubleshooting it.
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