On 02/15/2011 08:56 AM, Peter Salzman wrote:
> OK, I commented out all the virtual host stuff and changed ports.conf to:
> Listen 80
> <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
>      # SSL name based virtual hosts are not yet supported, therefore no
>      Listen 443
> </IfModule>
> ServerName dirac.org
> and Apache is still not responding to requests from outside my LAN.
> This is crazy!  I've never had so much trouble with this before.  The
> packets are clearly coming in.  Could there be some kind of crazy
> packet header rewriting to make the packets look like they're destined
> for somewhere else (like the DSL modem)?
> Rod, do you have any other ideas?
> Pete

Dunno, but I'll bet it's something simple.  Do you have a router
forwarding packets to your server?  If so, maybe its configuration
needs to be checked.  Or maybe there's something set up on the
server to block port 80.  Maybe your ISP is blocking port 80.

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