On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:15 PM, Troy Arnold <troy-...@zenux.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 03:27:01PM -0500, Peter Salzman wrote:
> >
> > But as to why the 3-way handshake isn't being fully established ...
> > that would suck because I have *no* idea how to diagnose that sort of
> > thing...
> Hey, Pete-
> netcat is the perfect tool for determining if the 3 way handshake is
> successful.
> On satan:
> stop apache
> # nc -l -p 80
> from elsewhere:
> nc dirac.org 80
> if it works you'll be able to type stuff on either side and see it echoed
> on the other (after hitting return)
> At least at the end of this you'll know if your apache config is to blame.
> -t

Hey Troy and Shwaine,

That is a *really* snazzy tool.  I'm surprised I haven't run across it
yet.  Thanks for mentioning it to me!

OK, I think for the first time I've made a little progress.  I tried
nc on a port that I'm 100% confident with, port 22 (ssh).  It worked
as advertised.

Next I tried it on the questionable port, port 80.  On the server
side, it bound to 80 no problem.  On the client, I typed "nc -v
dirac.org 80" (-v gives verbose output).  After about 30 seconds, it
replied with:

nc: connect to dirac.org port 80 (tcp) failed: Connection timed out

Progress by a mile.  I think this limits the problem to either my
router or the ISP.   I think the next step is to connect satan
directly to the modem, bypassing the router.  If nc still doesn't work
on port 80, then it's time to grill my ISP and ask them why they're
breaking the TOS.

*Thank you*


ps- iptables are completely empty.
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