On Sun, 2011-02-20 at 14:34 -0800, Shwaine wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply, I've been swamped with program reviews, 
> candidate interviews, paper writing and teaching all week.... (the things 
> we do for academia, heh)

A *very* late reply. Where were you in August, to translate the
implications for me when I made the same observations back then?


> To follow-up on the TCP 3-way handshake issue, in particular, the ACK 
> packet is not getting through. If you look at the original tcpdump log, 
> the SYN from the outside world gets in, the SYN/ACK from satan gets out, 
> but the final ACK from the outside world never arrives.
> I sincerely doubt this is an Apache issue. It looks more like an iptables 
> issue to me. Try what Troy recommends to confirm that netcat also gets 
> blocked (which I suspect it will) just to be sure it isn't Apache. If you 
> cannot get through with netcat, the next thing to do is check iptables 
> with the following command:
> iptables -L -n
> Forward the output from that command to the list and we can see if its 
> your iptable rules that are preventing the connection from establishing. 
> In particular, I would bet you don't have an "allow RELATED,ESTABLISHED" 
> rule in place. You probably only have an "allow SYN to port 80" in place. 
> Without the corresponding related/established rule, your TCP 3-way 
> handshake would get cut off on sending the final ACK, just as was seen in 
> your tcpdump output.
> For example, for my webserver, you would see the following in the iptables 
> INPUT chain with the above iptables command:
> Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
> target     prot opt source               destination
> ACCEPT     tcp  --            <my IP address>     tcp 
> spts:1024:65535 dpt:80 flags:0x17/0x02
> ACCEPT     all  --             state 
> If you are missing that second line while having the "flags" on the first 
> line (allow SYN flag only) and your default policy on INPUT is to DROP, 
> then you've found your culprit.
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