On 11-10-17 11:23 AM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/3926371/Jono-Bacon-Defends-Ubuntu-An-Insiders-Perspective.htm
Thanks for this, Alex - I'll check that out.
> Let's not give in to that war, gave up on KDE long ago for various
> obnoxious features, never liked Kubuntu to start due to it's K* suite of
> stuff and other default packages, but did give it a whorl as KDE on top
> of Ubuntu install. I'd say it works for some but not for the people who
> have generally liked Gnome.
I've no intention of starting a war, and I don't use much of the K* 
suite (especially Kmail, Kontact, etc.) - drove me crazy when I tried.  
Mostly, the attraction for me is the ability to have distinct desktops.  
As it is, I have quite a mixture of stuff, K-based, Gnome-based, 
Google-based, and agnostic - and I'm probably not alone in that.  One of 
the attractions with FOSS is that - unlike some OSs one could name - we 
have choice.



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