I've had really good luck (functionality, performance, and lack of spam)
* Postgrey (grey listing for postfix)
* MailFilter or Amavis
* Current clamav
* postfix with maildir and dovecot's deliver
* current spamassassin
* Simple helo filtering
* using one of the DNS based black lists
* sieve
* dovecot

I've always wanted to combine client side filtering (like when a user
clicks on the "this is spam" button in thunderbird) with server side,
but I've not managed it so far.  Has anyone else?  Seems like it should
be pretty straight forward when users are using IMAP (so the server has
access to tagged spam).

I have noticed that as clamav and spamassassin age my spam rates go up,
I do update the rules but it seems like improvements in the engine means
that your efficiency drops over time.

My current setup is based on Ubuntu LTS, I'll likely wait for ubuntu
12.04 (the next LTS) before rebuilding it.

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