On 11-10-21 06:23 PM, Bill Broadley wrote:
> I've had really good luck (functionality, performance, and lack of spam)
> with:
> * Postgrey (grey listing for postfix)
> * MailFilter or Amavis
> * Current clamav
> * postfix with maildir and dovecot's deliver
> * current spamassassin
> * Simple helo filtering
> * using one of the DNS based black lists
> * sieve
> * dovecot
> I've always wanted to combine client side filtering (like when a user
> clicks on the "this is spam" button in thunderbird) with server side,
> but I've not managed it so far.  Has anyone else?  Seems like it should
> be pretty straight forward when users are using IMAP (so the server has
> access to tagged spam).
I deal with that by running sa-learn cron scripts on specific 
thunderbird folders once a week.  The system runs exim, spamassassin, & 
dovecot.  The odd thing still gets through, but between spamassassin and 
thunderbird I actually see (that is, they show up in the Inbox) maybe 3 
or 4 a week and 2 or 3 false positives end up in Junk, usually from 
hotmail or yahoo accounts.  The system receives between about 1,000 and 
3,000 attempted emails a day, so that's not bad.  This is just for me, 
so I don't know about using variables in the scripts (%u, I mean).  I 
should think you'd need to identify ham at the same time.



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