
we are using Voyage for quite some time now as VPN-gateway, interface
of an USB-scanner to network via saned and as simple gateway. Mostly on
Alix 2D3/2D13 and we are quite happy.
As I have just seen the Voyage One announcement:
Does anyone know about some hardware with a PCI-Slot that offers 3.3V
and 5V? I want to insert a 4-port ISDN/BRI card there and the ones I
know all need 5V. Soekris states they only offer 3.3V.

LiHAS - Adrian Reyer - Hessenwiesenstraße 10 - D-70565 Stuttgart
Fon: +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 90 - Fax:  +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 91
Mail: li...@lihas.de - Web: http://lihas.de
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