I have the normal usage mode of Voyage MPD working fine:

music server -> nfs ->{lan network}-> voyage/alix -> usb dac ->

But frequently I'm doing something on my desktop like playing a youtube video with Firefox and I think "it would be really nice to direct this audio to the nice speakers the alix uses" (instead of using my lower quality desktop speakers)

that is:

desktop/firefox -> {lan network}-> alix/voyage -> usb dac -> speakers

Usually with Fedora, which I'm using, you'd do that with Pulseaudio.
In fact when I was first trying this stuff out I was running the mpd process on my desktop locally and I could play firefox and other sources into the DAC by plugging the usb dac right into my desktop. As
diagrammed here as 'plain mode':

plain audio:
desktop (firefox) -> usb dac -> speakers

testing mpd mode:
desktop (mpd + gnome music player) -> usb dac -> speakers

In that first use case, the dac showed as a "sink" in the pulseaudio control. You'd simply select it and you could play videos or whatever into the DAC and hear it.

But I'm not sure how you'd do this with remote alix pc running Voyage MPD. Is this possible?

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