I wanted my Voyage MPD Alix machine to have a correct time when it boots up so I put in a cron job:

15 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate-debian

and so it would be set at boot up right away instead of taking up to an hour, I added to the /etc/rc.local


but looking in the /etc/default/ntpdate I see this odd comment and code:

# Set to "yes" to take the server list from /etc/ntp.conf, from package # ntp, so you only have to keep it in one place.

# List of NTP servers to use  (Separate multiple servers with spaces.)
# Not used if NTPDATE_USE_NTP_CONF is yes.
NTPSERVERS="0.debian.pool.ntp.org 1.debian.pool.ntp.org 2.debian.pool.ntp.org 3.debian.pool.ntp.org"

Shouldn't the NTPDATE_USE_NTP_CONF here be set "no" since the default Voyage MPD has no /etc/ntp.conf file?

Note, my ntpdate set works ok, I think the missing /etc/ntp.conf is skipped over (the script does an existence test, then continues on and uses the NTPSERVERS value from /etc/default/ntpdate ). But for less confusion maybe the NTPDATE_USE_NTP_CONF should be 'no'


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