Sorry for the double response. I click on send without wanting.

Some comments inside of some differences between my steps and yours.

On 12/11/2011 7:25, Lee Woldanski wrote:
Hi Jorge,

Sorry I didn't get back to you right away... I wanted to run through
the whole process myself and give you a more detailed tutorial...

Here's a process that should work for you to re-build the distro with
your own custom kernel:

Get the 0.8.0 SDK off the website and install it on a virtual machine
so you can create a build environment.

Boot in to your SDK environment.

I've used the SDK Live CD to do it, as I've been testing how to flash my system from a Live CD.

Change /etc/apt/sources.list to closest mirror

[.... snip....]
Now we'll work on our new kernel:

cd /usr/src
apt-get install dialog ncurses-dev build-essential zlib1g-dev
kernel-package fakeroot    (to make sure all the requisite packages
are installed)
apt-get install linux-source-3.0.0-voyage
tar -xjf linux-source-3.0.0-voyage.tar.bz2
ln -s linux-source-3.0.0-voyage linux
cp config-3.0.0-voyage_10.0-1 ./linux/.config
cd linux
make menuconfig    (now you can change the options you like, save your
config and make sure your custom configuration is in .config)
make-kpkg --initrd --revision="1.0" --append_to_version="-mycustom" kernel_image

Some options in case you use a 64bit architecture. In that case you have to crosscompile if the host system is 32bits

CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=3 DEB_HOST_ARCH=i386 ARCH=i386 make-kpkg --arch
i386 --cross-compile - --revision="1.0" --append-to-version
"-mycustom" --initrd kernel-image

This should give you a kernel-image package called
linux-image-3.0.0-mycustom_1.0_i386.deb in /usr/src/linux

Copy this file to ~/voyage-live/config/chroot_local-packages (you can
also delete the lilo .deb's that are in that folder, they don't need
to be there)

Now go edit ~/voyage-live/config/chroot_local-hooks/098-voyage

This can be done also by modifying the LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS on config/chroot.

Or also by changing the VOYAGE_PACKAGES in the

Thanks a lot.

See you

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