On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Tomek Suchecki
<czandrasze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> heh, I don`t understand why voyage still is concetraced around alix ... it`s
> so old and futureless, wheeze support arm..

Because it's a solid and stable platform. It's well documented,
reliable and cheap. Pascal makes reliable and smart hardware designs.
My WRAP board running m0n0wall for over 13(?) years has never given my
any issues and it's been on that long.

It's also x86. And ARM is not. No cross compiling issues, etc., etc.
Use and x86 source, debian package ot alien converted rpm.

And what exactly do you gain from going to ARM for Voyage? If your
application is that specialized then you ain't using Voyage and you
would not be on this list asking that question.

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