Dear Punky,

I have been using ubuntu on my three alix boards for quite a while
now. Since its getting slower and slower with every upgrade and they
don't support 486 processor architecture any more in their latest
kernels I'd like to switch to voyage :) Before I do that I have two
questions which I hope you don't mind me asking.

I read that you suggest ext2 as filesystem for the CF drive. As I
consider modern CF cards as robust as SSD drives I'd like to use the
journaling advantage of ext3/4 on my system drive. Would that work? I
am asking because yesterday i used the voyge installer to install a
voyage 0.9 on my ext4 preformatted 4GB CF card and it wont boot with
"grub error 2"...

The second question is concerning the use of the system. Currently I
use the alix boards as a NAS with PCI sata cards and LUKS encrypted
sata drives which can be accessed via sshfs and samba. Also i have a
web/mysql server running. Do you think that (especially luks'ed sata
drives) would work out of the box with voyage 0.9?

Thank you very much and best regards from Germany,

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