Hi *,

I upgraded recently from voyage mpd 0.8.5 to 0.9 using apt-get update / upgrade. I was able to solve the first issue, but I am stuck on the second one.

First problem was the re-install of an already existing kernel. I opted to overwrite the existing one, but the upgrade terminated with an error. It was caused by the script


which just needed an additional parameter in line 15:

  exec update-grub default

Next thing I noticed was that the LEDs, recently restored to life by voyage 0.8.5, remained dark. I found out that the script


is not executed correctly, because the command 'remountro' terminates with an error. It seems that the file system is left writeable after boot. Executing 'remountro' immediately after the system initializes produces this error:

  mount: / is busy


  lsof / | awk '$4 ~ /[0-9].*w/'

shows that the culprit is the DHCP client, which is writing to a file within /var/lib/dhcp:

dhclient 2421 root 3w REG 3,1 1130 9098 /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases

I'm reluctant to try the daily builds, because that type of upgrade means I have to dismantle the server, extract the CF card, install it from scratch and restore the configuration. Maybe somebody can point me to the init.d script(s) which need to be checked ...


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