Hi Neale,

Some of classify related functions are defined from 2 places 
(src/vat/api_format.c vs. src/vnet/classify/vnet_classify.c).
On my local setup I noticed that unformat_classify_match is used in 
api_format.c which caused VPP crash with OOM when I test classify with VPP CLI.

#3  0x00002aaaacbd425e in os_out_of_memory ()
    at /scratch/jonshin/FDIO/vpp/build-data/../src/vppinfra/unix-misc.c:219
#4  0x00002aaaacbb6633 in clib_mem_alloc_aligned_at_offset (size=46984704388, 
align=16, align_offset=4,
    os_out_of_memory_on_failure=1) at 
#5  0x00002aaaacbb6a6d in vec_resize_allocate_memory (v=0x2aaaaf05646c, 
    data_bytes=46984704388, header_bytes=4, data_align=16)
    at /scratch/jonshin/FDIO/vpp/build-data/../src/vppinfra/vec.c:84
#6  0x0000000000454c9a in _vec_resize (v=0x2aaaaf05646c, 
    data_bytes=46984704384, header_bytes=0, data_align=16)
    at /scratch/jonshin/FDIO/vpp/build-data/../src/vppinfra/vec.h:142
#7  0x000000000048953f in unformat_classify_match (input=0x2aaaaf081ec0, 
    at /scratch/jonshin/FDIO/vpp/build-data/../src/vpp/api/api_format.c:9839
#8  0x00002aaaacbaf88a in do_percent (input=0x2aaaaf081ec0, va=0x2aaaaf0819d0, 
f=0x2aaaabfe6079 "")
    at /scratch/jonshin/FDIO/vpp/build-data/../src/vppinfra/unformat.c:792
#9  0x00002aaaacbafc94 in va_unformat (input=0x2aaaaf081ec0, fmt=0x2aaaabfe6071 
"match %U",
    va=0x2aaaaf0819d0) at 
#10 0x00002aaaacbafe3c in unformat (input=0x2aaaaf081ec0, fmt=0x2aaaabfe6071 
"match %U")
    at /scratch/jonshin/FDIO/vpp/build-data/../src/vppinfra/unformat.c:976
#11 0x00002aaaab68058b in classify_session_command_fn (vm=0x2aaaab408360 
    input=0x2aaaaf081ec0, cmd=0x2aaaaf064e7c)

classify_session_command_fn  in vnet_classify.c pass ‘cm, &match, table_index’ 
parameters as argument expecting unformat_classify_match() is called inside 
vnet_classify.c file.
… if (unformat (input, "match %U", unformat_classify_match,
                         cm, &match, table_index))

But the same named function is called in api_format.c which requires different 
parameters as argument list. This results in VPP crash with OOM.
Can this be fixed as part of your gerrit commit? Ex) use different function 
name or define static… in api_format.c or any other ways…
Any thoughts would appreciated.


From: <vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io> on behalf of William McCall 
Date: Monday, February 20, 2017 at 2:35 PM
To: "Neale Ranns (nranns)" <nra...@cisco.com>
Cc: Siamak Abdollahzade <siamak_abdollahz...@yahoo.com>, "Andrew Yourtchenko 
(ayourtch)" <ayour...@cisco.com>, "Ole Troan (otroan)" <otr...@cisco.com>, 
"vpp-dev@lists.fd.io" <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] problem in classify command in vpp

ahhh that makes more sense :) thanks!

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Neale Ranns (nranns) 
<nra...@cisco.com<mailto:nra...@cisco.com>> wrote:
Hi William,

One of those it’s easy if you know what to look for bugs, otherwise a real 
headache to find.

But a one line fix, so I might as well …


From: <vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io>> on 
behalf of William McCall 
Date: Monday, 20 February 2017 at 15:36
To: "Dave Barach (dbarach)" <dbar...@cisco.com<mailto:dbar...@cisco.com>>
Cc: Siamak Abdollahzade 
<siamak_abdollahz...@yahoo.com<mailto:siamak_abdollahz...@yahoo.com>>, "Andrew 
Yourtchenko (ayourtch)" <ayour...@cisco.com<mailto:ayour...@cisco.com>>, "Ole 
Troan (otroan)" <otr...@cisco.com<mailto:otr...@cisco.com>>, 

Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] problem in classify command in vpp

hmm.. i thought I did with "make debug" and thought the same thing too (sorta 
hoping for an easier fix where my talents could be more useful)... alas, i 
SI'ed through the  vnet_classify_new_table function and got here and validated 
all the steps in the macro to yield this bad result (plus matched the asm 
piece-for-piece with the macro code). Am I missing something in building/using 
the debug image? I'm very unfamiliar with the pool allocation mechanisms.. 
maybe there is something I could watch/read that would explain/help me debug it 

naturally, the mask pointer definitely looks off, but haven't gotten to any 
dereference of it in the debugger (yet).

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 1:45 PM, Dave Barach (dbarach) 
<dbar...@cisco.com<mailto:dbar...@cisco.com>> wrote:
Try it with a debug image. Mask==0x1 => SIGSEGV, with probability 1.

Thanks… Dave

From: vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io> 
[mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io>] On 
Behalf Of William McCall
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 7:58 AM
To: Ni, Hongjun <hongjun...@intel.com<mailto:hongjun...@intel.com>>
Cc: Siamak Abdollahzade 
<siamak_abdollahz...@yahoo.com<mailto:siamak_abdollahz...@yahoo.com>>; Andrew 
Yourtchenko (ayourtch) <ayour...@cisco.com<mailto:ayour...@cisco.com>>; Ole 
Troan (otroan) <otr...@cisco.com<mailto:otr...@cisco.com>>; 
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] problem in classify command in vpp

looks like it is getting hung up in pool_get_aligned macro right here.. 
guessing due to something that was supposed to be done earlier:

 if (P)                                                                \
    _pool_var (l) = vec_len (_pool_var (p)->free_indices);

Hopefully helpful debugging info:

Thread 1 "vpp_main" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff66598dc in vnet_classify_new_table (cm=0x7ffff7608500 
<vnet_classify_main>, mask=0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>, 
nbuckets=2, memory_size=2097152, skip_n_vectors=1,
    match_n_vectors=1) at 
118       pool_get_aligned (cm->tables, t, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES);
   0x00007ffff665989c <vnet_classify_new_table+91>:       48 8b 45 88     mov   
-0x78(%rbp) is cm->tables aka P in the macro
   0x00007ffff66598a0 <vnet_classify_new_table+95>:       48 8b 00          mov 
   0x00007ffff66598a3 <vnet_classify_new_table+98>:       48 89 c7          mov 
   0x00007ffff66598a6 <vnet_classify_new_table+101>:     e8 77 ec ff ff         
   callq  0x7ffff6658522 <pool_header>
   0x00007ffff66598ab <vnet_classify_new_table+106>:     48 89 45 a0     mov    
-0x60(%rbp) is _pool_p, a pool header.
Set pool_l = 0
   0x00007ffff66598af <vnet_classify_new_table+110>:      48 c7 45 98 00 00 00 
00            movq   $0x0,-0x68(%rbp)
Check if P (cm->tables) exists:
   0x00007ffff66598b7 <vnet_classify_new_table+118>:     48 8b 45 88     mov    
   0x00007ffff66598bb <vnet_classify_new_table+122>:     48 8b 00          mov  
   0x00007ffff66598be <vnet_classify_new_table+125>:     48 85 c0          test 
   0x00007ffff66598c1 <vnet_classify_new_table+128>:     74 28   je     
0x7ffff66598eb <vnet_classify_new_table+170>
Check if _pool_p free indicies either indices or 0. Relevant portion
vppinfra/vec_bootstrap.h:142:#define vec_len(v) ((v) ? _vec_len(v) : 0)
vppinfra/vec_bootstrap.h:134:#define _vec_len(v)        (_vec_find(v)->len)
vppinfra/vec_bootstrap.h:73:#define _vec_find(v)        ((vec_header_t *) (v) - 
   0x00007ffff66598c3 <vnet_classify_new_table+130>:     48 8b 45 a0     mov    
   0x00007ffff66598c7 <vnet_classify_new_table+134>:     48 8b 40 08            
mov    0x8(%rax),%rax
   0x00007ffff66598cb <vnet_classify_new_table+138>:     48 85 c0          test 
   0x00007ffff66598ce <vnet_classify_new_table+141>:     74 12   je     
0x7ffff66598e2 <vnet_classify_new_table+161>
Subtract 4 from pointer  ((vec_header_t *) (v) - 1 ) from pool_l.
   0x00007ffff66598d0 <vnet_classify_new_table+143>:     48 8b 45 a0     mov    
   0x00007ffff66598d4 <vnet_classify_new_table+147>:     48 8b 40 08            
mov    0x8(%rax),%rax
   0x00007ffff66598d8 <vnet_classify_new_table+151>:     48 83 e8 04            
sub    $0x4,%rax
Dies here trying to mov address 0x9fffffffc to EAX
=> 0x00007ffff66598dc <vnet_classify_new_table+155>:  8b 00   mov    (%rax),%eax
Included for context:
   0x00007ffff66598de <vnet_classify_new_table+157>:     89 c0   mov    
   0x00007ffff66598e0 <vnet_classify_new_table+159>:     eb 05            jmp   
 0x7ffff66598e7 <vnet_classify_new_table+166>
   0x00007ffff66598e2 <vnet_classify_new_table+161>:     b8 00 00 00 00         
   mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x00007ffff66598e7 <vnet_classify_new_table+166>:     48 89 45 98     mov    
   0x00007ffff66598eb <vnet_classify_new_table+170>:     48 83 7d 98 00         
   cmpq   $0x0,-0x68(%rbp)
   0x00007ffff66598f0 <vnet_classify_new_table+175>:     74 7c   je     
0x7ffff665996e <vnet_classify_new_table+301>

(gdb) info registers
rax            0x9fffffffc      42949672956
rbx            0x1      1
rcx            0x0      0
rdx            0xffffffffffffffe8       -24
rsi            0x8      8
rdi            0x14     20
rbp            0x7fffb5ddfa70   0x7fffb5ddfa70

(gdb) x/2x 0x7fffb5ddfa70-0x60
0x7fffb5ddfa10: 0xb4bae750      0x00007fff
(gdb) print _pool_p
$25 = (pool_header_t *) 0x7fffb4bae750
(gdb) x/2x (0x7fffb4bae758) ->_pool_p + 8
0x7fffb4bae758: 0x00000000      0x0000000a
and 0xA00000000 - 0x4 =  0x9fffffffc

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 7:12 AM, Ni, Hongjun 
<hongjun...@intel.com<mailto:hongjun...@intel.com>> wrote:

I met the same issue when I using latest VPP code.
In VPP 17.01, CLI command “classify table mask l3 ip4 proto” works well.

Below is the error and bt log:
Could someone take a look at it?  Thanks a lot.

DBGvpp# classify table match 1 mask l3 ip4 proto

Thread 1 "vpp_main" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff68e67b4 in vnet_classify_new_table (cm=0x7ffff7608320 
<vnet_classify_main>, mask=0x1 <error: Cannot access\
memory at address 0x1>, nbuckets=2, memory_size=2097152, skip_n_vectors=1, 
    at /root/vpp/build-data/../src/vnet/classify/vnet_classify.c:118

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff68e67b4 in vnet_classify_new_table (cm=0x7ffff7608320 
<vnet_classify_main>, mask=0x1 <error: Cannot ac\
cess memory at address 0x1>, nbuckets=2, memory_size=2097152, skip_n_vectors=1, 
    at /root/vpp/build-data/../src/vnet/classify/vnet_classify.c:118
#1  0x00007ffff68e98ad in vnet_classify_add_del_table (cm=0x7ffff7608320 
<vnet_classify_main>, mask=0x1 <error: Canno\
t access memory at address 0x1>, nbuckets=2, memory_size=2097152, skip=1, 
match=1, next_table_index=4294967295,
    miss_next_index=4294967295, table_index=0x7fffb6089b70, current_data_flag=0 
'\000', current_data_offset=0, is_add\
=1, del_chain=0) at 
#2  0x00007ffff68ec6cd in classify_table_command_fn (vm=0x7ffff7999340 
<vlib_global_main>, input=0x7fffb6089ef0, cmd=\
0x7fffb6060e30) at 
#3  0x00007ffff76ccb08 in vlib_cli_dispatch_sub_commands (vm=0x7ffff7999340 
<vlib_global_main>, cm=0x7ffff79995a8 <vl\
ib_global_main+616>, input=0x7fffb6089ef0, parent_command_index=393) at 
#4  0x00007ffff76cca16 in vlib_cli_dispatch_sub_commands (vm=0x7ffff7999340 
<vlib_global_main>, cm=0x7ffff79995a8 <vl\
ib_global_main+616>, input=0x7fffb6089ef0, parent_command_index=0) at 
#5  0x00007ffff76ccded in vlib_cli_input (vm=0x7ffff7999340 <vlib_global_main>, 
input=0x7fffb6089ef0, function=0x7fff\
f7755b97 <unix_vlib_cli_output>, function_arg=0) at 
#6  0x00007ffff775a3b7 in unix_cli_process_input (cm=0x7ffff79991a0 
<unix_cli_main>, cli_file_index=0) at /root/vpp/b\
#7  0x00007ffff775ae1e in unix_cli_process (vm=0x7ffff7999340 
<vlib_global_main>, rt=0x7fffb6079000, f=0x0) at /root/\
#8  0x00007ffff76f3aa3 in vlib_process_bootstrap (_a=140736230333104) at 
#9  0x00007ffff5fd2668 in clib_calljmp () at 
#10 0x00007fffb5041a80 in ?? ()
#11 0x00007ffff76f3bce in vlib_process_startup (vm=0x7fffffffe260, p=0x406220 
<_start>, f=0x7ffff7999340 <vlib_global\
_main>) at /root/vpp/build-data/../src/vlib/main.c:1240
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)


From: vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io> 
[mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev-boun...@lists.fd.io>] On 
Behalf Of Siamak Abdollahzade via vpp-dev
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:57 PM
To: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io<mailto:vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>
Subject: [vpp-dev] problem in classify command in vpp

Hi all.

I am new in VPP and I'm trying to use classify command to filter specific 
traffic. I've followed [vpp-dev] Question: Classification with hex 
mask<https://lists.fd.io/pipermail/vpp-dev/2016-June/001408.html>. At first, I 
entered this command:

vpp# classify table mask l3 ip4 src dst proto

the result was:
classify table: match count required

I've done some research around this error, but I couldn't find anything 
helpful. So, I was wondering if there is a manual for this command? or can you 
tell me what the problem is? I also tried to enter an integer number as match 
and I got this error:
exec error: Misc


[vpp-dev] Question: Classification with hex mask

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William McCall

William McCall

William McCall
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