FYI all, fixes several vppctl and cli issues and 
generally makes them work together better.

Of most note to people is it (finally) fixes the noise vppctl was producing 
when used non-interactively. Ie, the command echo, welcome banner and CLI 
prompt are no more when you use it in a script or pass commands on the command 
line. This is achieved by having vppctl use a magic terminal type ("vppctl") to 
inform VPP to not dress the session up as an interactive one.

In working this I uncovered several long-standing issues, not least if the CLI 
socket dies before VPP has spoken to it, VPP didn't notice and ended up 
triggering a fatal SIGPIPE. Lovely! The commit message has extensive notes for 
the morbidly interested.

Anyway, once merged, keep a watch for any CLI issues I may have introduced; let 
me know if you come across anything odd or fatal.

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