On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Dave Wallace <dwallac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> Per the action item from this yesterday's VPP weekly meeting, I'm asking
> for opinions from the VPP community on allowing the creation of demo
> branches in the VPP git repo.
> ...
> Pro: Will allow utilization of LF infra to utilize CI process
> Pro: Will allow publishing of demo artifacts for ease of reproduction of
> the demo.
> Con: Will pollute repo with ephemeral code that will rapidly become out of
> date / dead.
> Con: Sets precedent which may cause large numbers of non-production
> branches over time.
> Please feel add additional Pro/Con comments here.  Comments are welcome
> from all members of the VPP community.


In my opinion, creating a cloned fork and adding demo code there would be a
better approach.  And that demo code will likely become obsolete and
bit-rot over time,
but it will forever be part of the repo.  Over time it will just be dead
weight bloat.
The core code base should remain as a library and not get tied to any
specific application.

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