+2, (3 w/jdl) though be prepared to see questions about when the repo will be 
updated for the rest of time.  (GitHub can be a kind of roach motel for code.)

Cherry-picking is OK, when it’s a 1-2x thing, but when you start carrying 
diverging branches, the occurrence of “oops, forgot that one” starts to rise.


> On Nov 15, 2017, at 2:55 PM, Dave Barach (dbarach) <dbar...@cisco.com> wrote:
> +1... 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ole Troan [mailto:otr...@employees.org] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:49 PM
> To: Dave Wallace <dwallac...@gmail.com>
> Cc: Ed Warnicke <hagb...@gmail.com>; Dave Barach (dbarach) 
> <dbar...@cisco.com>; Keith Burns (krb) <k...@cisco.com>; Florin Coras 
> (fcoras) <fco...@cisco.com>; John Lo (loj) <l...@cisco.com>; Luke, Chris 
> <chris_l...@comcast.com>; Damjan Marion <dmarion.li...@gmail.com>; Neale 
> Ranns (nranns) <nra...@cisco.com>; vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Discussion Topic: creating demo branches in 
> git.fd.io/vpp
> Just as a data-point.
> What we have done for IETF hackathons is to create a branch on github. E.g:
> https://github.com/vpp-dev/vpp/tree/ietf100-nat
> This allows us to do "high speed collaboration". Then cherry pick what has 
> value after the event.
> Perhaps something similar could be done for "demos"?
> Cheers,
> Ole
>> On 16 Nov 2017, at 06:17, Dave Wallace <dwallac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Per the action item from this yesterday's VPP weekly meeting, I'm asking for 
>> opinions from the VPP community on allowing the creation of demo branches in 
>> the VPP git repo.
>> The definition of a demo branch is defined as a branch pulled from master 
>> that:
>> 1) Purpose is to demonstrate a VPP use case at a public conference/symposium 
>> (kubecon 2017 as the 1st instance).
>> 2) The branch will never be merged back into master.
>> 2) Commits to the branch will be cherry-picked/double-committed to master.
>> Some comments I recall from memory (please forgive me if I have left any 
>> comments out):
>> Pro: Will allow utilization of LF infra to utilize CI process
>> Pro: Will allow publishing of demo artifacts for ease of reproduction of the 
>> demo.
>> Con: Will pollute repo with ephemeral code that will rapidly become out of 
>> date / dead.
>> Con: Sets precedent which may cause large numbers of non-production branches 
>> over time.
>> Please feel add additional Pro/Con comments here.  Comments are welcome from 
>> all members of the VPP community.
>> I will begin with my thoughts since yesterday's meeting:
>> Con: In order for the CI infra to be utilized, the addition of demo branch 
>> specific jenkins jobs needs to be added to ci-management (polluting that 
>> repo as well).
>> Con: May add overhead to CSIT project in triaging any CSIT failures on the 
>> demo branch.
>> Con: Adds overhead to already over-subscribed committer task workload 
>> (reviewing commits to demo branch & double commits to main)
>> IMHO, this proposal has the potential to cause the VPP committer workload to 
>> spiral out of control thus disrupting the regular release cadence.
>> ----
>> @Ed,
>> It might be a good idea to include the ci-management and CSIT projects in 
>> this discussion since those projects may be affected by this proposal.  I'll 
>> let you decide whether or not to add additional projects to the discussion?
>> As the TSC Chairperson, I will let you decide when to close the discussion 
>> and call for a vote of the committers (whom I addressed directly on this 
>> email).
>> ----
>> Thanks,
>> -daw-
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