> > I've never even seen gentoo
> If you don't even know gentoo why do you want to use it in a vserver
> environment?

I'm not allowed to be curious?

I'm currently running RH7.3 and want to switch to another distro by the end
of the year so figure I might as well move to a vserver setup at the same
time... Was just wondering whether anyone had any major problems getting it
up and running. I'm not sure yet about switching to Fedora, and have
downloaded gentoo to tinker with it (I like the fact that you can build it
all from source, I'd think it'd make it far easier to upgrade the system to
newer builds of software if I do everything from source instead of waiting
for others to make RPM files for me.

I'm also eyeballing Debian. I've considered FreeBSD but not sure if the
learning curve of BSD will be too steep to learn PLUS get vserver up and
running before the end of the year.

Thanks for your other notes, I'll definitely keep that on hand.


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