On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 04:48:02 -0500, Geoffrey D. Bennett wrote
> Hi there,
> Just wanted to report some success running Fedora Core 1 in a vserver
> (Red Hat 7.3 base) as well as share a problem I had and a script I
> wrote to make future FC1 vserver installs trivial (for me, at least).
> First the problem: the glibc that comes with FC1 didn't like running
> some programs (like RPM :( ) -- it failed with "cannot enable
> executable stack as shared object requires".  I fixed the problem by
> rebuilding the glibc RPM with the glibc-execstack-disable patch (comes
> with the glibc RPM).


I am using few vservers with fedora core 1 and I am not seeing this problem.
(vserver 0.27 probably out tomorrow let you install fedora base vserver from

I have installed plenty of rpm using rpm and did not see this message.
This is with glibc-2.3.2-101, the i386 version.

Jacques Gelinas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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