On Sat, Aug 06, 2005 at 03:27:42AM +0200, Andreas John wrote:
> Hello!
> >/dev/initctl is a pipe created by init, so if you
> >start an actual init inside your guest, it will create
> >that pipe, then listen to it and once the reboot (or
> >shutdown) calls through the pipe, issue the reboot to
> >the kernel ...
> >
> >which kind of setup you use is your choice ...
> Hmmm .... so how do I supress VServers "fakeinit" and start a "real" one?

you change the init style from 'sysv' to 'plain' or
'minit' depending on your init ... see the Flower Page
for details ...

> The one that is running does not create the pipe:

it does, but that one is on the host, and you do not
want to send reboot requests there, I guess ...

> foo:/# ps faxu
> root     15173  7.0  0.5   4872  1636 pts/0    S    03:13   0:00 
> /bin/bash -login
> root     15187  0.0  0.2   4612   872 pts/0    R+   03:13   0:00  \_ ps faxu
> root         1  0.0  0.1   1588   516 ?        S    Aug05   0:01 init [2]
> [...]
> foo:/# reboot
> shutdown: /dev/initctl: No such file or directory
> init: /dev/initctl: No such file or directory

your 'reboot' is the same binary as your 'init' and
depending on the options and pid, it acts as init,
does a reboot (-f option) or just tries to contact
the process with pid=1 to do that on behlaf ...

> It's not really that important, but staying als close to a real server 
> as possible in the default setup would be a good choice.

depends on the purpose, if you do not like the ovehead
introduced by a running init (inside the guest) you
are better off by not running it (i.e. using sysv init)


> n8,
> Andreas
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