Gerhard Hofmann wrote:
> Because these are quite a lot of steps I always thought it would be nice
> to have a Debian distro that is Vserver-enabled out-of-the-box.

Like, say, Debian Etch?

> Now, in the recenct release of German magazine c't, there was a Knoppix
> 5.2 CD which claims to be Vserver-ready.

Obviously not...

> Has anybody here already tried Knoppix 5.2 and can share his or her
> experiences?
> I booted Knoppix, tried to setup a Vserver like this:
> vserver vserver1 build \
> -n vserver1 \
> --hostname vserver1 \
> --interface eth0: \
> -m debootstrap -- -d sarge
> I get this error message:
> /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase/vserver1: Function not implemented

Which means the kernel isn't patched with Linux-VServer.

Daniel Hokka Zakrisson
Vserver mailing list

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