
I have started working on my own on Visual Tcl 1.2 and I saw there is a
of interest in it.

I would be very interested to continue the development.

Here is what I already added:

- Added labels for widgets in widget tree, added automatic
refresh of widget tree when new widget is added or
widget deleted

- Current selected widget is highlighted in widget tree

- Added/checked support for the following Iwidgets:
     combobox, scrolledlistbox, spinint, calendar,
     dateentry, toolbar, entryfield, scrolledhtml

- Added syntax coloring to proc editor / command editor

- The command console under Linux now shows standard
output from commands issued by the user, plus the return
value too

- Properties are automatically set when the user clicks outside
an entry field

- Added image manager to maintain a list of stock images (eg.
always available to the program) and a list of user images (on a
per project basis). Added image selector.

- Added font selector. It does not have a font manager yet but
that could be added too.

- When saving a project under Linux, makes it executable

I was planning to do the following:

- Add font manager

- Inline images so that the project file is self-contained

- Entirely rewrite the menu editor, which is not very usable right now

- Rewrite the bindings editor too

- Add syntax assist a la Microsoft, for example it would give you a
list of commands or properties for an object while you type

- Add support for FreeWrap, which would allow to generate stand-alone
executables under Linux and Windows.

- More bug fixes.

Christian Gavin


I have posted a copy of my Visual Tcl at


I would welcome comments, remarks, etc.!

For now it requires Itcl but I am going to rewrite the few lines of
code in the image manager that use Itcl to use standard Tcl/Tk instead.
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