The Burlington Free Press
OPINION    Wednesday, December 01, 2004         
Letters to the editor
Leahy likes Gonzales

After meeting with Alberto Gonzales, President Bush's nominee for U.S. Attorney General, Sen. Patrick Leahy said, "I like him," and "he is a uniting figure." He failed to condemn Gonzales' infamous legal memo supporting and justifying torture.

It's not just Leahy, of course. Sen. John Kerry gave Bush 18 standing ovations during his state of the union address 10 months ago. Kerry also helped Bush in the election, and disappointed millions of anti-war voters, because Kerry agreed with Bush about winning in Iraq, and Kerry refused to call for protecting our American soldiers by bringing them home now.

Kerry's campaign also helped quiet roiling opposition to Bush's war, and that quiet helped make the present U.S. escalation of killing in Iraq possible.

Now our Vermont Senator Leahy, the leading Democrat on the judiciary committee, is paving the way for Gonzales, the advocate of torture. The Democratic Corporate Party is sending a clear message that it will not be a vehicle for ending war, or even for stopping an advocate of torture.

We who oppose the war are left with the kind of grassroots democratic actions used so successfully by Martin Luther King, including marches, rallies, forums, and petitions, to oppose Bush's policies and nominees. Massive, visible public protest that includes soldiers and veterans helped put Presidents Johnson and Nixon out of office and ultimately ended the Vietnam War. Once again we need to demonstrate in large numbers to end this war and save countless precious lives.

South Burlington

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