Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 16:35:04 EST
Subject: Fwd: Israelis using strange gas at Allenby crossing

Forwarding tthis for your friend--Jamie, is it?--who wrote about the Israeli's use of gas.  Best, Miriam

> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:21:03 -0800
From: Jeffrey Blankfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Israelis using strange gas at Allenby crossing

> ATTACHMENT part 2.2 message/rfc822 name=(null).eml
From: "Nancy Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: A l'attention du monde
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 10:01:06 -0500

{) (}      The only way to create a safer world
(.~.)                is to ensure that it is more just.
\o/   /\  /\    
        ( * ^ * )                       K. Armstrong
----- Original Message -----
From: ISM
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:06 AM
Subject: TR: A l'attention du monde

Prière de diffuser.

Cette information a été confirmée par des Palestiniens qui ont vécu la même expérience retour de Jordanie il y a quelques temps. Personne n’en parle.


Ruba Saleh
Via Miani 18
Pavia 27100

Dear freinds,


I'm writing you for something urgent and that worries me...

Yesterday morning I left Amman for Ramallah. I passed through the first Israeli check point (an electronic door) on Allanby bridge, the one that we Palestinians use to reach the occupied territories, which lies between Ghuor (Jordan) and Jericho (occupied territories). After that, there was a new procedure to follow. They have set a kind of room, where only one person can stay, its area is about 0.5m x 0.5m.

The walls inside are all covered with mirrors and in the ceiling there is a television camera.

People must go in one by one and everyone must stay there for one minute. During that time they spray you some gas. It's necessary to get informed about which kind of gas it is. There is an hebrew-speaking electronic voice, but I couldn't understand the words.

The room has been set this month.

I asked the soldiers what they spray on us and they didn't want to answer.

As I said that it's against the human rights, a female soldier replied me that it's a special country!

I've already sent this e-mail to the member of the European Parliament Luisa Morgantini.

If some of you could do something, I'd be very thankful.

Thank you




vi scrivo per una cosa abbastanza urgente e a mio parere preoccupante 

Ieri mattina sono partita da Amman per Ramallah, e dopo aver passato il primo posto di controllo israeliano (la porta elettronica) allinterno del ponte di Allenby   (il ponte che usiamo noi palestinesi per raggiungere i territori occupati e sta tra il Ghour in Giordania e Jericho nei territori occupati) cera una nuova procedura da fare; hanno installato una specie di camera dove ci puo stare soltanto una persona,  sara un  0.5 x  0.5m.

 La camera  h  piena di specchi e in alto ch  una telecamera che riprende i  volti.

 Si entra uno alla volta ed ogni persona ci deve stare per un intero minuto.   Mentre sei li ti spruzzano in continuazione una specie di gas.  Bisogna assolutamente indigare  su  che  cosa sia.

 C’é  una voce elettronica che dice delle cose in ebraico che non ho capito.

 La camera  h  stata installata questo mese.   Ho chiesto  ai  soldati  che cosa ci spruzzavano adosso e non volevano rispondermi, e quando gli ho detto che  h  contro  i  diritti umani fare una  cosa  del genere,  una soldatessa mi ha risposto che questo  h  un paese speciale! ho mandato l'e-mail all'europarlamentare Luisa Morgantini, se qualcuno di voi riesce e mouvere qualcosa ne sarei grata, grazie


ruba saleh
Via Miani 18
Pavia 27100


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