--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Audrey Bomse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 09:42:17 -0400
Subject: [nlg-middleeastcom] FW: AL-HAQ OPEN LETTER on recent Wall

>>-----Original Message-----
>From: Al-Haq Media [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 11:59 PM
>To: Al-Haq Media
>  <http://www.alhaq.org/>
>REF: 13.2005E
>17 May 2005
>To:          Lt. Colonel Danny Tirza, Head of the Seam
>              Colonel Yair Lotstein, Legal Advisor of the Israeli Army
>the West Bank
>Fr:           Randa Siniora, General Director
>Cc:          Menachem Mazuz, Attorney General
>Consuls-General in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
>Al-Haq is gravely concerned by recent reports that Palestinians whose
>land has been seized for the construction of the Annexation Wall will be
>offered alternative land in the West Bank.  If implemented, such actions
>would be in gross contravention of Israel's obligations under
>international law due to both the confiscation of the land affected by
>the Wall and the use of previously-confiscated land as an "exchange" for
>these recent confiscations.  Moreover, such actions provide further
>evidence of Israel's intention to de facto annex the territory affected
>by the Wall, in breach of the Palestinian right to self-determination.
>As was unanimously upheld by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in
>its July 2004 Advisory Opinion, the West Bank, the territory on which
>the vast majority of the Wall is presently being built, is considered
>occupied territory under international law.  This has been repeatedly
>recognised by the international community, as reflected in UN Security
>Council Resolution 242, upheld in numerous subsequent resolutions, and
>reconfirmed in the December 2001 Declaration of the Conference of High
>Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention.  Even Israeli
>authorities have recognised the applicability of the Hague Regulations.
>Much of the land impacted by the Wall's construction remains on occupied
>territory and may not be confiscated.  The confiscation of private
>property in occupied territory is prohibited under Article 46(2) of the
>Hague Regulations, reflective of customary international law, which
>clearly states, "[p]rivate property cannot be confiscated."  Even if the
>land were public, it may not be confiscated: Article 55 of these
>Regulations provides that Israel as the Occupying Power may only act as
>administrator or usufructuary, and thus the land must be administered
>accordingly.  Israeli authorities do not acquire ownership thereof.
>Israeli claims that such confiscations are lawful on the basis of
>military necessity are without merit.  Although Article 23(g) of the
>Hague Regulations permits the seizure of enemy property during times of
>hostilities as demanded by the necessities of war, in order for such
>seizures to be permissible, they must pass cumulative tests regarding
>the claim of military necessity.  The construction of the Wall and its
>accompanying land confiscation must, inter alia, adhere to the principle
>of proportionality and be the most adequate and effective action to meet
>a necessary military goal.  The Wall as presently being built does not
>meet these tests.  It has a gravely disproportionate impact on the
>Palestinians in the OPT; the UN Office for the Coordination of
>Humanitarian Affairs has estimated that over 100,000 Palestinians will
>be directly impacted by the Wall.  Further, the routing of the Wall
>inside the OPT is neither the most adequate nor the most effective means
>of protecting Israeli citizens inside the Green Line.  The confiscation
>of land affected by the Wall is therefore unlawful.
>Reports have indicated that the seized land in question surrounds the
>Israeli settlements of Ar'ael and Emmanuel.  Al-Haq wishes to emphasise
>the illegality of all Israeli settlements in the OPT, as unanimously
>upheld by the ICJ in the Advisory Opinion.  It follows that the
>construction of an obstacle to protect the residents of such
>settlements, thereby impacting a broad range of the fundamental rights
>of the Palestinians, cannot be defended as lawful on the ground of
>military necessity.  It would run contrary to the legal principle that
>an illegal act cannot produce legal rights.  The solution to protecting
>the lives of the Israeli settlers is not to be found in the further
>violation of Palestinian rights, but by undoing the original breach and
>dismantling all settlements in occupied territory.
>Furthermore, the State's indication that those landowners whose land is
>trapped behind the Wall will be offered alternative territory in the
>West Bank is itself a violation of international law.  The vast majority
>of the territory in the West Bank which Israeli authorities claim to be
>"State land" has been previously and unlawfully confiscated from
>Palestinian landowners.  Under Article 46(2) of the Hague Regulations,
>title to land may not be transferred to the Occupying Power, and it
>cannot be subjected to permanent seizure.  Efforts to transfer such
>plots of land to those whose land is seized for the Wall's construction
>will not only exacerbate the earlier violation, but increase the
>permanency thereof.  It appears that such transfer of property is being
>presented as a means of providing compensation to those landowners whose
>land is affected by the Wall.  However, one cannot compensate for one
>breach of law by formalising previous breaches.
>The plans of the Israeli authorities reflect their intention to de facto
>annex the land in question.  The prohibition of the annexation of
>territory by force is a fundamental principle of international law,
>upheld in the UN Charter itself.  Actions that serve to annex
>Palestinian territory are in contravention of Israel's legal
>obligations.  As noted by the General Assembly in Resolution 2625 (XXV)
>of 1970, broadly recognised as an authoritative interpretation of the UN
>Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of
>force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice
>lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which
>it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect..
>It is evident that these actions violate the 1949 armistice line, i.e.,
>the Green Line.
>Finally, these actions will further restrict the ability of the
>Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination, a
>principle which is upheld in both customary and conventional
>international law and has been deemed an erga omnes obligation by the
>ICJ.  The confiscation of additional West Bank land continues Israel's
>systematic practice of reducing the area of land on which Palestinian
>self-determination can be realised.  The confiscation of land in
>association with the Wall is particularly troubling, as the Wall's
>serpentine route itself restricts the ability of Palestinians to realise
>this right.  Ultimately, the effort to move Palestinians to other areas
>of the OPT may change the demographic nature of the territory itself,
>thereby making it more vulnerable to permanent annexation.
>Efforts to undo the harm caused to the Palestinian population by the
>Wall's construction cannot be met by actions which themselves are in
>contravention of international law.  Indeed, the most adequate and
>effective means to address the damage done in this regard is by ceasing
>the violation itself - the Wall's construction in the OPT.  We urge you
>to stop any transfer of land which has been previously and unlawfully
>confiscated and to stop the construction of the Wall in the OPT.  To do
>otherwise serves only to exacerbate Israel's breaches of its obligations
>under international law.
>Al-Haq, PO Box 1413 - Ramallah, West Bank
>Tel: +972 2 295 4646/9 Fax: +972 2 295 4903
>  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -  <http://www.alhaq.org>

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