dove operation <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 20:13:09 +0100 (MET)
From: "dove operation" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Press Released The Patriarch of Jerusalem planted an oliv
e tree in front of the soldiers garrisoning the Special Fe

Press Released

11 December 2005
Israel- Occupied Palestinian Territory

"Love is possible in spite of all the evil we experiment"
Jerusalem patriarch Michael Sabbah planted an olive tree in front of the
soldiers garrisoning the Special Fence building site in Christian village

Aboud, Ramallah Area – "Love is possible in spite of all the evil we
experience" with this words Michael Sabbah, Patriarch of Jerusalem, after
the religious service with Aboud Catholic Community, led the peaceful march
of one thousand people, Christians and Muslims, toward the Special Fence
building site on Aboud land. The march stopped three hundreds meters from
the excavators in front of the soldiers blocking the access to the building
site. There the Patriarch led a short worship and then planted an olive
tree, symbol of the hundreds of trees that will be destroyed by the work for
the Special Security Arrangement Area near Bet Arye and Ofarim settlements.
At the march were present also Israeli Jewish and international activists.

The Patriarch affirmed: "with our faith and love, we demand the
disappearance of the Wall and we affirm that is a mistake and an attack
against our lands and our properties, a mistake and an attack against
friendly relationship among the two people. (…) In your faith and your love
you shall find a guide in your political actions and in each resistance
against every oppression. You may say that love is an unknown language by
politics, but in spite of this, you shall do it possible!"

After Patriarch's departure, one hundred people stood in front of the
soldiers singing slogans against the Wall. An Israelis pacifist was arrested
without charge in spite of no violent actions had happened between soldiers
and demonstrators,.
In the morning a check point at the entrance of the village prevented
several official journalists to access the village in order to capture the
Mass and the march.

Otherwise the Separation Wall has already been completed on the Green Line
(the border between Israel and the West Bank 1967 Occupied Territories) 6
kilometers west from Aboud, the Israeli Ministry of Defense is building an
Additional Fence (Special Security Arrangement Area) close to the village
that will annex Bet Arye and Ofarim nearby settlements to Israel.

At the march were presents also some volunteers of Operation Dove, an
italian nonviolent Peace Corp. that are living in Aboud, sharing its
people's life since more than one year.

Operazione Colomba in Aboud: 00972 599311344 or 00972 547382452 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Operation Dove - Nonviolent Peace Corp
mobile: 0546916140 - 0548130634 - 0599311344

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