dove operation <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 15:09:52 +0100 (MET)
From: "dove operation" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: update Aboud 17 – 22 December 2005

Update Qalandyia 17/12/2005

Two Od-ers from 9.00 a.m. until 9.45 were at Qalandyia checkpoint.

Qalandyia checkpoint opened only to Jerusalem municipalityÂ’s citizens and
internationals. More than 100 people were in line at the gates, many of them
were women and students. Two, of the three gates, were closed for a long
time because, in the opinion of soldiers, the people were too packed. The
soldiers were yelling at the people “Don’t push and step back”. One soldier
aimed his rifle at the people.
After the gates, soldiers frisked the men and they asked everyone to
completely empty their bags and then to show the bags to the soldiers. A
soldier used the barrel of his rifle to search the bag.
One international asked a soldier to lower his rifle and to stop aiming at
the people. The soldier answered threatening to deny access for the
After the bag and body search, the soldiers denied access to people without
a Jerusalem I.D. or an international passport. At the point where the
soldiers checked I.D.s a soldier was aiming his rifle at the people who were
coming toward him. The soldier used a tripod, placed on the desk between two
other soldiers who were checking I.D.s, to aim at the people coming though
the metal detector.
After the documents checks, a soldier followed a group of girls and forced
one of them to come back and open her bag.
The entire time two Machsom WatchÂ’s women were present at the checkpoint to
document what happened.

Update Qalandyia 18/12/2005

An Oder from 5.45 pm. until 6.40 pm was at Qalandyia checkpoint.

Qalandyia checkpoint opened only to Jerusalem municipalityÂ’s citizens and
internationals. More than 100 people were in line at the gates, mostly women
with children. Three turning gates were working. They were opened by
electric control for about one minute every 5-10 minutes. When the gates
were stopped people remain closed between the barriers, often 2 o 3 people
together. They have to wait inside the barriers several minutes. The
soldiers were yelling at the people “Don’t push and step back”. There was
also a plain gate closed but not locked. A young boy opened the gate and
tried to pass to reach his family that was already queuing near the check
but a soldier went toward him and pushed him back closing the gate.
After the gates, soldiers frisked the men and they asked everyone to empty
completely every bag and to put all the objects on some rough desks.
Soldiers didn't look at the objects. After the bag and body search (the last
only for the men), the soldiers denied access to people without a Jerusalem
I.D. or an international passport. Then the people had to pass to another
desk where ID and passport were checked again then could leave.

Update Qalandyia 22/12/2005

Two ODers from 3.00 pm until 4.30 pm was at Qalandyia checkpoint.

The ODers went into the new terminal checkpoint in the direction of
Ramallah. They tried to enter through the first gate but there were a group
of people trying to go out in the other sense because of the huge queue
(about an hour) waiting for going to Jerusalem
A man was trying to regulate people's passage without being noticed by the
soldiers so this fact was creating a queue also in Ramallah direction.
The turning gate dont let pass people with big baggage or children
Arbitrarily the soldiers opened a normal larger gate do let through people
with baggage, other times people have been forced to throw things on the
other side above the turning gate, sometimes with the help of those already
Once passed the first gate, the two volunteers saw more than a hundred
people packed in front of the three gates leading to Jerusalem direction.
Some people were blocked between the barriers of the electronic gates. Also
among these people there were a lot of children, old and ill people and
women with big packages that weren't able to pass though the gates. The
tension was very high: the people blocked were shouting while from the
armored room the soldiers were yelling orders through the loudspeaker.
The daughter of an old man, just discharged from the hospital, who hardly
could walk, asked one OD to talk with the soldiers to let the old man
through the gate for the disabled people. After several requests, soldiers
answered that they have no keys (but the gate is electronic). The volunteer
and the woman went to the armored room to talk directly with the soldiers.
After the two gestured for a long time to catch the soldiers' attention, a
soldier came out and said that the man would have to wait in front of the
gate. After more than 10 minutes the gate was still close. The soldiers
affirmed that they did not open the gate because they could not see the man.
The volunteer replied that he was in front of the gate so the soldiers
finally opened and the man avoided the first wait and went directly to queue
to have the documents checked. After a while soldiers let pass also a woman
with a big baggage, but the crown around rushed to pass at least into the
check area. The soldiers stated to yell at the people and forced the gate
closed not minding the people stacked inside the gate. Other soldiers came
to help from inside the terminal. The people that were able to pass in this
way had waited since one hour.
Then they placed themselves again in line for the I.D.'s checking
Soldiers denied access thought the special gate for disabled to many other
old people, or with crutches, or sick.

Operation Dove - Nonviolent Peace Corp
mobile: 0546916140 - 0548130634 - 0599311344

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