A Palestinian Man
In a desert jail
moonlight cascades
my hands between
prison bars, shadows
cast wind brushes
beads of
sweat detention
because I spoke
my human rights
with stone throws for
Palestine. I long for
family; mother’s voice stirs
coffee, sugar mann floured
with firm hands
she raised me
into a man and father
broke his back
in stone quarries
far from
Childhood land where
he picked plums
near olive trees and climbed
rock gardens of our dreams
where the lark sings
his kaffiyeh stories captivate
almond eyes
I yearn for
The young woman
touches my heart.
Years blurs me between
stone walls and chains
confine life
across ancestor’s land. I
cannot live days with
Unwashed skin
olive soap and water
I am a man
treated like an animal
cast away
Did she forget me?
Her calm face
my lips kiss
her honey hands
hold smile ablaze
but life is now
a number without
A name I hear
the lark sing
mother’s song
an owl’s call
in night-sky where
father’s arms carry me
from this cell to
Sunrise. Days pass
steal youth, wedding, marriage
bed of bliss. How
shackles restrain
my body
celibacy long after
She married
because parents
never wait yet
I would walk across
the desert to
See her again. Memories
hold together, then
break apart
Zionist machines bleed me
attach electric clamps
skin shocks beyond bruises
contusions inside my head
what is threshold despair? Yet
I hear the call to
Prayer –
a wave of peace
I breathe
as I kneel free
and plea
for my soul
amid distant winds
God’s aba.
-sonia nettnin

Portrait of a Palestinian Woman
Her face tells
a thousand words weave
herstory about
late husband killed
by Israeli soldier’s bullet.
IOF’s assault on
Palestinian life five children
lost their father
a cab driver at
During interrogative
questions he said:
“I am here, the blood
of our land Palestine,”
next to occupation’s trigger
finger - and
Now the woman wraps
Her arms
around children
tight, as if she sews
them close to her waist,
where memories of
womb remain. Turn
Babes with
velvet smiles that
caress mother’s skin
as she earns
the bread she kneads
for mouths
at wooden table. Under
Her watchful eyes
they play outside
surrounded by
razor-wire fences where
petite palms picked
a crimson anemone,
and legs rushed
stem petals
to her hands. While
they look out
The window, wait
for a past return. At
night the woman prays
until she weeps -
her tears
bring angels
to their knees…near
The day
a good man will see
how fortunate
he would be
to marry a woman
whose spirit
moves children to
Radiant cheeks
that feel moments
when her heart
at the sight
of jacaranda tree –
where purple flowers
white butterflies
fly sunshine
-by Sonia Nettnin

Palestinian Israeli American politics
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