> We have Asus Terminator C3 computers that are currently 
> acting as standby file servers on Slackware. (In other words, 
> idle 99.999% of the
> time)
> We may need a VPN solution in the near future to connect our 
> sites, and I was wondering if it would even be possible to 
> run Vyatta under Vmware on a 800MHz Via CPU with 256MB ram. 
> (ram can be upgraded, CPU cannot) I'd like to simply install 
> Vmware Server to (A)keep company data on a "different" device 
> than the internet facing VPN and to (B)make installation 
> simple on myself.
> I'm talking about under 2 dozen PCs at each site with the two 
> main types of traffic being telnet-type traffic and voice. 
> Everything will be sent through the VPN.  My question to the 
> list is this: Is it even worth my time to test?  If you guys 
> say that the specs are just too low, then I probably won't 
> bother testing then.  I took a look at hardware requirements 
> and I think this falls just a little short, but I haven't had 
> much real world experience with Vyatta, yet.

It'll work. It might be slow, but you haven't said what your performance
requirements are. It should keep up with a T1, for instance, but I
wouldn't expect more than about 20 Mbps out of it for larger packets, and
you have said that your main traffic is all small packets (telnet and
voice). On a 1 GHz VIA, we typically get over 100 Mbps for larger packets.
VMware is going to chop that down. You'll get better performance if you
use the VC2.2 VMware Certified Virtual Appliance on our web site. That
particular distribution includes the optimized vmnet drivers. If you just
go with the standard ISO and install it, you'll be using the emulated
Ethernet drivers, which will kill a lot of the potential performance.

Unless you're looking for high performance, my advice would be to give it
a go. If you do, report back on your performance findings. I'd be
interested in hearing about your experience to help others downstream.

-- Dave

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