Hi Taras,

sorry for the late answer. I'm just so busy at work these days.

Taras <ta...@securityaudit.ru> wrote:
> > What I'd like to have is a clean ORM to the database (SQLAlchemy[0]? + 
> > Elixir[1]
> > maybe?) so there's no need to write your own code interacting with the 
> > database.
> I will research SQLAlchemy in the weekend, thanks =)

Great. SQLAlchemy was the first ORM to come to my mind as it is very widespread,
there may of course be other ORMs which better fit the task at hand.
> > I also would like to save the requests and responses in the database in a 
> > way
> > that makes the full, raw data accessible to me for searches. I love the 
> > idea of
> > searching in the data with the search bar using SQL syntax. It gives me the
> > power necessary to even do complex searches. So I would like to have
> > unrestricted access to the underlying database with my search. I send the 
> > raw
> > SQL query, w3af gets the results from the database and parses them for 
> > display
> > in the proxy or results view. Perfect :).
> Not always =) Usually I don't want to thinking about SQL syntax when I want 
> to search something.
> For example, I want to filter results by host. So I simply insert in search 
> field 'yahoo.com'.
> Not 'url like '%yahoo.com%''. For Advanced search there are advanced options.

Ok, if we can have both, than I'd be satisfied too, of course :). I just think
that having the ability to do a search by using the powerful SQL syntax is a
very nice thing to have. I always like to have as much control as possible over
the applications I use, but that might just be me being a pentester ;).

> > - Storing the requests and responses in an accessible way in the database 
> > may
> >   mean that we have to rebuild the FuzzableRequest objects everytime we 
> > want to
> >   use a request from the database. On the other hand, I'm not sure if the 
> > current
> >   pickling/unpickling is that efficient either, actually.
> By the way, it's very interesting point! What can you suggest?

Hm, one possibility would be to use something similar to the layout Metasploit's
WMAP plugin[0] uses:

CREATE TABLE requests (
'host' VARCHAR(20),
'port' INTEGER,
'ssl' INTEGER,
'meth' VARCHAR(20),
'path' BLOB,
'headers' BLOB,
'query' BLOB,
'body' BLOB,
'respcode' VARCHAR(5),
'resphead' BLOB,
'response' BLOB,
'created' TIMESTAMP

[0] http://trac.metasploit.com/browser/framework3/trunk/documentation/wmap.txt

> Any way thanks for good critique! It's always helpful =)

Sure, I just want to help make w3af even better and exchange ideas how to
achieve this. And get all the features in I would like to have for my daily work



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