Have you checked the Nikto db_favicon file? It contains a few fingerprints.
Get first auth. from the Nikto project.

Raul Siles

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Vlatko Kosturjak <k...@linux.hr> wrote:
> Andres Riancho wrote:
>>    I love this plugin! I loved the idea when you told me about it in
>> France, and I love it much more now that I see how simple the code is.
> Thanks, it was great to meet you at Besancon.
>> These are the things I modified in the plugin before commiting it to
>> the trunk:
>> - There were lines with tab indentation instead of the PEP-8
>> recommended 4-space indentation. I changed them.
> OK. Now, I know what you prefer for patches.
>> - Changed the reporting a little bit. Now an information object is
>> only saved to the kb if the favicon.ico is actually identified.
> I had different idea. Usually, assessor/tester of the target site should be
> aware if there's favicon there. Maybe we could not identify it
> automatically, but assessor could see that there is favicon.ico, so he can
> see it visually and get some clue about the website/CMS/... As it tests for
> 404, it will display only existing favicon.ico.
> Also, it would ease the contribution of MD5 back to the project...
> It's my point of view which could be wrong...
>> - Removed the unused "self._fuzzableRequests = []" and "dirs = []"
> There's few things to implement in future versions. First of all, support
> for different dirs. i.e. on single web site, there could be different
> software versions, e.g.:
> http://website/phpbb
> http://website/drupal
> So, it would be good to have it run after the crawler, so it can identify
> different versions. Here I would need your help. Also,
> it would be good to implement parsing of <link rel icon> tag, so plugin can
> identify favicon.ico in not-usual locations...
>> - I added a test script named
>> "scripts/script-favicon_identification.w3af" that helps test the
>> plugin you created by running "./w3af_console -s
>> scripts/script-favicon_identification.w3af"
> Just checked it and i'm sending patch to fix it as it has some leftovers.
>> To sum up, I did nothing and you did a great job ;) If you perform a
>> "svn up" of w3af's trunk, you'll find your plugin there.
> Thanks. I plan and hope I will contribute more (plugins & code).
>>> In order to learn more about it to, refer to:
>>> http://kost.com.hr/favicon.phpiimplement mplement
> My error, link should be: http://kost.com.hr/favicon.php
>>    I see that you guys are trying to expand this database by running
>> "Internet wide" scans. I have a server that could be used for this
>> purpose, if you send me a couple of commands that you need me to run,
>> I'll be more than happy to run them and then send you the response.
>> Maybe you could assign me the address range for Argentina, Chile,
>> Uruguay, Bolivia and Paraguay, and I would the results back to you?
> Sure. As I have donated all my work to OWASP and we're just building  it as
> OWASP project, feel free to join the mailing list at:
> https://lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-favicon-database
> Current process of crawling is described here:
> http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_favicon_database_crawl
> ...and scripts can be downloaded here:
> http://kost.com.hr/favicon.php
> Although, I'm not sure that we can separate it per country (in terms of nmap
> -iR), but any idea on performing the internet wide survey is welcomed!
>>    Thank you for supporting w3af, and other open source projects like
>> openvas and nessus!
> You're welcome. As we talk about OpenVAS, maybe it's good time and place to
> ask about it. My plan is to write OpenVAS NVT (NASL) script which would run
> w3af automatically if http(s) port(s) is found (similar to nikto NASL
> plugin). I think this mailing list is best place (and you Andres) to ask
> what is the best command line for w3af for automatic vulnerability
> discovery? i.e. so NASL can launch w3af and parse the results and report it
> through standard OpenVAS reporting mechanism. Any help would be appreciated.
> Also if you (or anyone else) have some ideas about other OpenVAS<=>w3af
> cooperation/partnership, let me know!
> Kost
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