Hi, all!

Today when I test W3AF on large site with URLs like
http://site.com/news.php?id=1, http://site.com/categories.php?id=2 and
so on
I found some problem. It seems that webSpider don't consider that such
URLs are "same".
And in some point of view it is correct behavior. But very often these
params are not "action" params which can  make really different
pages with different structure. Simply these pages differs in some text content.

I also found letter in our mail list from Adi Mutu "[W3af-users]
mod_rewrite functionality and variations" [0]
about same problem. As I know current workaround is using of
maxDiscoveryLoops option.

But what is the best way to scan such sites with w3af? May be we will
add some option to webSpider or we need some core option?


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