Hi, Andres and all!

Why do we check params type? Do you think it is possible that there will be such different URLs like:

I have seen your code in w3afCore.py. May be it will be better to add some option for it in misc-settings?

The problem that we could find here is that maybe... "?id=3855"
has a link to a part of the application that is vulnerable, and we're
not following that link because of our "101th decision".

And in some point of view it is correct behavior. But very often these
params are not "action" params which can  make really different
pages with different structure. Simply these pages differs in some text content.

     Yes, totally agree. I think that maybe these URLs should be
compared based on their "structure" (outgoing links). If the contents
of all the URLs with id=1 to id=100 link to (a,b,c) ; then we could
safely (???) infer that id=101 to id=N are also going to link to
(a,b,c) and that we're not missing anything important.
It is interesting idea, but how do you think it is possible that we will meet some vuln link in URL http://site.ru/news.php?id=1000 and not in URL http://site.ru/news.php?id=1? Do you know some real life examples?

BTW, in Xcobra I used such method to compare targets:

    def __hash__(self):
        """Hash magic method."""
        params = self.params.keys()
        url_hash = self.scheme + self.netloc + self.path \
                + "".join(params)
        return hash(url_hash)

BTW2, In Acunetix same option of crawler looks like:
"  Maximum number of variations - This option will specify the maximum
number of variations for a file. E.g. index.asp has a GET parameter ID of which the crawler discovered 10 possible values of it from links requesting index.asp with the ID set to a different value while crawling. Each link is a variation. Each variation will appear under the file in the Scan Tree during crawling.

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