
    The development team is proud to announce a new w3af release! Some
of the features of the 1.0-rc3 version are:

* Enhanced GUI, including huge changes in the MITM proxy and the Fuzzy
Request Editor
* Increased speed by rewriting parts of the thread management code
* Fixed tons of bugs
* Reduced memory usage
* Many plugins were rewritten using different techniques that use less
HTTP requests to identify the same vulnerabilities
* Reduced false positives

    You can download the latest versions from the official w3af
website:    , enjoy!

    Regarding the project itself, we realized that the time between
each release were totally random, so we reorganized [0] the whole
project in such a way that will force us to release periodically (or
look bad if we don't). Contributing [1] is easier than ever, as we
have defined clear ways of finding your tasks with categories,
releases, etc.

    All projects have longstanding bugs, and w3af isn't the exception.
I would like to ask for the help of the community to fix two very
critical and complicated bugs [2][3] before we release the 1.0 version
in three months time. If you've got the Python experience, and a
couple of hours... please give it a try :)


Andrés Riancho
Bonsai Information Security - CTO

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