
first of all: please describe undoubtly in the "Encode/Decode" window that
all characters keyed in or pasted are UTF-8.
This is very important if someon tries to copy&paste data from/to browsers
which use UCS-2.

Said this, here're some oddities you'll stumble over:

1. in the Encode area type
   (where the first character is the Euro currency sign)
   then use URL Encode and it correctly encodes to

   Now try to URL Decode, and you get

   Is this a bug or a feature?
   It's neither! But you need to know what w3af's en-/decoding does. Without
   that knowledge I'd classify it as bug. That's what most user would belief
   also, I assume.

   ==> See my initial paragraph: just tell the user what the used charset is,
       then all such questions are illegal ;-)
   ==> Otherwise implement "URL Decode (UTF-8)" which should return €uro again.

2. same problem as 1. applies to Base64 Encode and then Base64 Decode

3. in the Decode area type
   then HTML unescape and you get

   Similar problem as 1. above. But I'd consider this a bug in w3af.

   Same applies to

4. in the Encode area type
   then HTML Escape it and you get

   This is a bug too.

5. UTF-8 Encoding return the same as URL Encoding
   Do I miss something here?
   Otherwise I'd rename UTF-8 Encoding to UTF-8 Encoding (URL).

6. Microsoft %U Encoding for

   I'm not sure if %UE282AC is really accepted by Micro$oft.
   Can someone please check.

7. MySQL Encoding and MSSQL Encoding
   use Euro again as string, I doubt that the result is correct.

Sorry for being that pedantic;-)

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