
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Achim Hoffmann <> wrote:
> Hi,
> first of all: please describe undoubtly in the "Encode/Decode" window that
> all characters keyed in or pasted are UTF-8.
> This is very important if someon tries to copy&paste data from/to browsers
> which use UCS-2.
> Said this, here're some oddities you'll stumble over:
> 1. in the Encode area type
>        €uro
>   (where the first character is the Euro currency sign)
>   then use URL Encode and it correctly encodes to
>        %E2%82%ACuro
>   Now try to URL Decode, and you get
>        \xe2\x82\xacuro
>   Is this a bug or a feature?
>   It's neither! But you need to know what w3af's en-/decoding does. Without
>   that knowledge I'd classify it as bug. That's what most user would belief
>   also, I assume.
>   ==> See my initial paragraph: just tell the user what the used charset is,
>       then all such questions are illegal ;-)
>   ==> Otherwise implement "URL Decode (UTF-8)" which should return €uro again.
> 2. same problem as 1. applies to Base64 Encode and then Base64 Decode
> 3. in the Decode area type
>        &euro;uro
>   then HTML unescape and you get
>        \xe2\x82\xacuro
>   Similar problem as 1. above. But I'd consider this a bug in w3af.
>   Same applies to
>        &#8364;uro
> 4. in the Encode area type
>        €uro
>   then HTML Escape it and you get
>        €uro
>   This is a bug too.
> 5. UTF-8 Encoding return the same as URL Encoding
>   Do I miss something here?
>   Otherwise I'd rename UTF-8 Encoding to UTF-8 Encoding (URL).
> 6. Microsoft %U Encoding for
>        €uro
>   returns
>        %UE282AC%U0075%U0072%U006F
>   I'm not sure if %UE282AC is really accepted by Micro$oft.
>   Can someone please check.
> 7. MySQL Encoding and MSSQL Encoding
>   use Euro again as string, I doubt that the result is correct.
> Sorry for being that pedantic;-)

    hehehe, patches make you less pedantic ;)

> Achim

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