Infamous Sudanese President Bashir has just thumbed his nose at yet another 
U.S. deadline to cooperate with efforts to end the Darfur genocide.  

The time for talk is over, it's time to act.  

The Bush administration has already developed "Plan B," a multi-tiered plan to 
push Sudan to end the genocide, but they keep delaying its launch. Adding to 
the frustration, despite the continuing mass-displacement and attacks, Special 
Envoy Andrew Natsios claimed last week that genocide is no longer occurring in 

Please join us in contacting President Bush right now to urge him to launch 
"Plan B" without further delays, before more lives are lost.  

Click below to send your letter to President Bush now.

Then please forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to 
join you.

If you'd like to make a donation to support the campaign, please visit 

Thanks for your help.

David Rubenstein
Save Darfur Coalition
Donate to Help Save Darfur
Help build the political pressure needed to end the crisis in Darfur by 
supporting the Save Darfur Coalition's crucial awareness and advocacy programs. 
Click here now to make a secure, tax-deductible online donation: 
The Save Darfur Coalition is an alliance of over 175 faith-based, advocacy and 
humanitarian organizations whose mission is to raise public awareness about the 
ongoing genocide in Darfur and to mobilize a unified response to the atrocities 
that threaten the lives of more than two million people in the Darfur region.  
To learn more, please visit 

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