Friends, Boulderites, Countryfolk, your ears!

Former Senator Mike Gravel's performance at the first Democratic debate has received some good coverage, including this from the Boston Globe: and CNN has just relented, re-inviting him to the NH debates. Mike is the man who read the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record, and who single-handedly filibustered until the draft was ended in 1971.

I'm asking you to help a bit to promote Mike's most cherished project, the National Initiative for Democracy because the debate format didn't allow him to even mention it. I worked with Mike in 2002 on this proposal for more, better and national ballot initiatives, and have devoted 18 years to the concept.

It's important to understand that Mike has found a way to get the amendment into the Constitution WITHOUT begging Congress, which has proved fruitless for a century. For brevity, I refer you to the second paragraph of for an explanation. Suffice it to say that all serious constitutional scholars agree that since citizens wrote and ratified the Constitution -NOT the 13 Legislatures- citizens can also amend it.

Here are some things we can do to get the National Initiative into the Constitution, starting with the easiest:

1. If you haven't yet, you can vote at the completely redesigned to ratify the National Initiative, and ask others to do so. If American Idol can get more votes in a night than any president ever has (,,1783339,00.html), then we can attain the threshold to enact the National Initiative, modeled on the Constitution's Article VII threshold. Both thresholds are ad hoc, "ordained and established" by citizens, not legislatures. (Mike's online voting, unlike Idol's, insures only one vote per person.) Polls have shown for decades that over 70% of us want a vote on important national issues.

2. You can mention in your writing and put links to it on websites. Of course Mike has his own website, but many find mine a better and simpler explanation, and it features your distinguished endorsements. Mike's always the maverick, and goes it alone. When people are ready to vote for the Initiative at , they are seamlessly sent to Mike's voting site.

3. At the bottom of our home page, you can "vote" for our website at "social bookmarking" sites and Digg. Read about this phenomenon in the Wall St. Journal article "The Wizard of Buzz": You have to register for these sites, but they respect your privacy. They are a good way to find and share websites and stories that other people find useful.

4. I've gotten some interest from Common Cause in emulating the successful coalition strategy adopted by the Progressive and Populist parties a century ago: those who wanted women's suffrage, secret ballots, direct election of Senators and direct primaries decided to press for initiative and referendum first, and then used them to get the others. For example, men in 13 states voted for women's suffrage, which encouraged Congress to pass the 19th Amendment.

I've suggested that we press for national initiatives to empower those who want, for example, withdrawal from Iraq and curbs to the military-industrial complex, a carbon tax, national health care and curbs to government secrecy. If you have contacts at Common Cause please let them know if you support this concept. If you have other ideas for forming such a coalition, or anything else, please let me know.

Evan Ravitz

"We want saints and gurus and leaders and heroes because we are lazy. We think they have done all the work, and all that we have to do is just to follow them. You know, when you follow somebody, you're not only destroying yourself, but the other whom you follow." -J. Krishnamurti

"The age of the leaders has come and gone. Every person must be their own leader now. You must remove your projection, and contain the spirit of our time in your own life and your own nature because to go the old way and follow your leader is a form of psychological imprisonment." and "There is a very profound reason why there are no great leaders any more. It is because they are no longer needed." -Sir Laurens van der Post

         Taking the "mock" out of democracy!
   Evan Ravitz, founder (303)440-6838 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Fool's gold exists because there is real gold." -Rumi

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