
Noticed this problem since upgrading to Mac OS X 10.1. I'm now at 10.1.1 
with no relief.

(1) Date & Time, & International system preferences show Australian date 
ie 16/11/2001.
(2) Finder obeys this, showing file datestamps with Australian dates.
(3) Pull-down date menu from the menu bar clock DOES NOT obey this. It 
persistently shows the date in US format.
(4) An application like Quicken 2002, which uses scheduling, seems to be 
obeying the US date format. Dates come and go and automatic entries are 
not being entered because the date has apparently not been reached.

Nothing I have tried has fixed this. I've disabled Network Time settings, 
played around with every kind of Date setting I can find. Wierd. A friend 
also has the "cosmetic" problem of the menu bar date being in US format; 
not sure if he's had this functional-related problem too.

Anyone else? Anyone got a solution?
