Thought this might be interesting for the group.

Cheers, Paul


Turning Macs on Thievery
By Leander Kahney

1:45 p.m. Jan. 25, 2002 PST

Every year about 400,000 computers are stolen in the United States. Only

3 percent are ever recovered. But after his sister's iMac was taken
during a burglary, a Houston man was able to get it back using
remote-control software, expert help from friends on the Net, a large
dose of luck and some incredible naiveté on the thief's part.

In a story that is probably unique, R.D. Bridges recovered his sister's
stolen iMac using Netopia's Timbuktu Pro, a program that allows
computers to be remotely controlled and is widely used by computer-help
technicians. Bridges, who lives in Clear Lake, a suburb of Houston, had
installed the software to help his sister, who lives across town, when
she ran into problems.

The iMac and a printer were stolen last October. Foolishly, the thief
didn't erase the hard drive. When they connected to the Net, Timbuktu
alerted Bridges the iMac was online.

Horrified his sister's résumé, tax files and other sensitive files were
still on the hard drive, Bridges hoped to install a "suicide script" to
erase everything. Using Timbuktu, he figured he could put a script into
the Mac's startup folder, which would be automatically executed the next

time the machine was turned on.

"My sister didn't want a crook going through all that stuff," Bridges
said. "You know what it's like, you have tax returns, letters, your
résumé, telephone numbers, addresses. There's so much personal and
private stuff on your computer. You don’t want crooks going through all
that and then paying a late-night call on your in-laws and friends."

For help, Bridges turned to a Usenet newsgroup,
alt.comp.lang.applescript. AppleScript, the scripting software built
into the Mac's OS, can be set up to perform all sorts of functions --
including trashing files.

Marc Myers, an AppleScript expert who runs ,
responded with a clever script that moved everything to the trash except

the System Folder, emptied the trash and shut the machine down. Myer's
"Death Script" excluded the System Folder because any attempt to erase
it would prompt an error message, stopping the process in its tracks.

Shortly after Myer's script was posted to Usenet, Bridges was alerted
that the iMac was online. He copied the script over and surreptitiously
erased some of his sister's most sensitive files.

Unfortunately, the stolen iMac was connected using his sister's ISP, her

login and password, which gave Bridges no identifying information about
them at all -– no names, phone numbers, anything. He hoped maybe the
police could get an IP address or phone number from the ISP, but he
later found out the company didn't log incoming calls.

Starting to doubt he would track down the stolen machine, Bridges
changed the startup screen –- the graphic displayed when the machine
boots up -– to show a Jolly Roger branded with an Apple logo, and
emblazoned with "Stolen iMac" in big yellow letters.

"I was kind of desperate at that point," he said. "I couldn't figure out

where it was. They were using my sister's ISP."

A user on the Applescript newsgroup suggested writing another script to
launch a pop-up reading, "You have won a special $500.00 prize. Your
machine has run for 3,000 hours without a major problem!" The script
would prompt for a name, address and phone number to redeem the prize.

But Bridges was skeptical. "It seemed kind of ambitious and also relied
too heavily on them being both gullible and honest in their answers," he


Instead, he came up with the idea of a script instructing the iMac to
call him or his sister. He would then get the thief's phone number from
his Caller ID. "The advantage ... is it takes the human factor out of
it," he wrote. "(I) don't have to rely on their greed to get the info."

At first, it appeared the Death Script had worked. The machine didn't
connect to the Net for about a week. But unfortunately, the Death Script

had a flaw: If any of the files in the trash were locked, it failed to
empty the trash. Myers whipped up a fix, which Bridges copied to the

Meanwhile, the iMac had been switched from his sister's ISP to AOL.
(Bridges figured this out by installing WildPacket's EtherPeek, a
software program that records IP packets, from which he extracted the IP

address and traced it back to AOL's domain). Bridges continued to erase
files one-by-one, but was wary of taking full control of the machine in
case anyone figured out it was being remotely controlled and shut it

Bridges also changed the AOL dialup to his home number, with his
sister's number as the backup. He and his sister soon received about 15
calls from an unknown number. Bridges tried to look it up online, but it

wasn't listed. His sister passed it on to the police.

"I think we have a winner," Bridges told the newsgroup, which had
attracted quite an audience curious to learn the outcome. "Hopefully the

police can get an address from the number and get a warrant."

A few days later, Bridges reported he'd talked to the investigator: "He
said he went to the house that belonged to the phone number that I had
dial my number. A lady there admitted she had it, but said she got it
from "some guy." She agreed to bring it and the printer out for him, but

didn't want him poking around the inside of her house."

Bridges said the woman was charged with possession of stolen property
and given one year's probation last week.

"The planets lined up for us on this one," said Bridges. "It was really
kind of flukey and good fortune."

Tim Williams, the Timbuktu product manager at Netopia, said in the 13
years the software has been available, this was the first time he'd
heard of it being used to track down a stolen computer.

"We had a pretty good laugh," he said. "It was very clever. He took
exactly the right approach."

Williams said he's now thinking of adapting the software to make it
easier to track missing machines. "(Bridges) showed it can be used in
that way, but there's probably things we can do to enhance it," he said.

Absolute Software , a Canadian security company that tracks computers
for corporations, schools and businesses, operates a service called
CompuTrace, which works in a remarkably similar way to Bridge's amateur

Absolute's CompuTrace software programs computers to call the company's
tracking center in Vancouver, B.C., at prescheduled times. If a machine
is reported stolen, the monitoring center waits for it to dial in, then
reprograms it to call every 15 minutes until its location can be traced.

The software is very difficult to remove, and works even if the hard
drive is reformatted or repartitioned. The company has been operating
since 1997 and claims a 95-percent success rate.

"We've recovered hundreds of computers," said spokeswoman Courtney
Chauvin. "It's a very stealthy agent."

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