Here in Murdoch we are getting students to label high-quality colour images of museum specimens as an exercise in learning Anatomy. Ultimately when corrected we want to make these available for all to study, probably via a CD that the students can purchase rather than via the WWW (too easy to steal!). The issue is how to catalogue them and have a searchable data base. My immediate response was FileMaker Pro (we have FMP 4.0) , but I wonder if anyone has a better solution?
Dr J.M. Cummins
Anatomy, Div. Vet. & Biomedical Sciences,
Murdoch University
GPO Box S1400, Perth
Western Australia 6849
Tel. +61-8-9360 2668 Fax +61-8-9310 4144 Mob 0402 810 988
"Colourless green dreams sleep furiously". Noam Chomsy