>At 12:20 +0800 05/04/2002, Shay Telfer wrote:
>>Also, you can't put a PHP/SQL database onto a CD to distribute it to
>>multiple users on multiple platforms if you ever decide to do so.
>>FileMaker does this relatively painlessly.
>Then again, distributing CDs is such a "dark ages" model :-) It's
>easy to slap a database up on a web server, then it's always up to

I think Jim Cummins is looking for a more static catalogue of anatomical
Something which students could look at without having to get on the Web

I have, of course, offered him a Panorama solution.tailored exactly to his
requirements, inexpensive, and faster.

However if you want to see Panorama used for images on the web
check out

try the links Demo and Customer databases at the bottom of the page
