On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 18:37, Rod wrote:
> On 20/4/02 2:55 PM, "Onno Benschop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 09:01, Rod Lavington wrote:
> >> You never miss an opportunity Onno......
> > 
> > Always happy to help.
> I hope, for your sake, that you have no potential customers on this list
> Onno. If I treated my customers the same way that you reply to posts on
> this list, I would be out of a job.

I missed the bit where you said thank you for my assistance.

I did in fact explain how to use a cleaning-tape, supplied you with a
URL that showed you what the light codes mean that a HP drive puts out
and I even added some pointers to problems that could in fact also be
the cause of the errors you were seeing.

> I have picked up a lot of business from this list because I respond to
> questions in a respectful manner, and from people that know someone from
> WAMUG. You should be careful in ridiculing others on this list. Who knows
> what damage that may do (or already has done) to your consulting business
> (whether or not it is Macintosh related).

I'm not sure that this qualifies for a response, but I'll say that I
always attempt to assist and sometimes I event attempt to insert some
humor or common sense into the discussion.

If you missed that...I'm sorry.
()/)/)() ..ASCII for Onno.. 
|>>? ..EBCDIC for Onno.. 
--- -. -. --- ..Morse for Onno.. 

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