>> Hi All!
>> Here is a curly question for you all. Is it possible that if a machine is
>> hooked into ADSL, it can be hacked and the drive initialised?
> Yes.
>> We have a customer that is hooked into ADSL. He says that while he was
>> online, the machine crashed with a type 1 error. When he tried to reboot, a
>> flashing question mark appeared. He brought the machine into the store.
>> After booting off a Diskwarrior CD, we noticed that the drive had now been
>> called 'Untitled' and was empty.
>> Does this sound at all possible?
> Yes, that's possible.
> The leap from that to 'someone broke in and hacked my machine' is
> somewhat nebulous though.
You can't initialise the startup disk which is presumably the one he was
running on when the crash occurred. I would be seriously investigating the
problem of operator error.