I remember a while back someone had a problem with a keyboard behaving
strangely, as if the keyboard was mapped differently & keys were repeating.
It was conjectured this might be a virus. I notice that there are such
virus's for windows found in .com or.exe files. Does anyone know if there is
one around affecting the Mac. I have a client complaining of this problem.
Unfortunately she is in Warnborough so its not a quick trip down the road to
have a look.

Thanks anyone with info.
Rob Findlay

No such Mac virus (AFAIK). More likely an extension conflict or some USB/application weirdness.

Viruses on the Mac are usually way down the list of likely suspects for such things.

Have fun,
=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer It must be bunnies!
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