Heya Andrew, everyone ... thanks for the info - all good stuff.

I considered the Telstra deal, but on my dialup bigpond account I still get 
weird issues where mail.app / Entourage have problems sending to the 
mailserver, and I semi-regulary lose internet access (line remains connected 
but when you ping you get nada), only solution is to disconnect/connect.

Thought I'd try another ISP and maybe ADSL at the same time ... you 
mentioned you use an Alcatel Modem though. Is that comparable to Shay's 
DLink 500 price performance-wise, or closer to the DLink 300. If the Alcatel is 
good and costs around $250 I'd be interested to find out who sells them 

I've got VPC, but I prefer solutions with the least number of utilities reqired 




> We initially took a 3 month contract, and did the self-install option 
> for the 4-port modem. Cheap really, at the time. Even better when 
> you cancel your contract after the 3 months and take the modem and go 
> elsewhere. I do not recommend anyone get into long contracts with 
> ADSL, given the price movement we've seen in the past 12 months.
> --