
I am thinking about buying the HP PSC750 all in one scanner, printer
and copier and would like some advice. Has anyone used one of these
gadgets and have an opinion on it? Does it work well with OSX?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Given the state of HP's driver support under OS X at the moment, I'd wait until they release the next set of drivers and check that they actually do the job before spending any money. (I noticed at the roadshow the third party vendors displaying HP hardware were showing off the hardware but didn't have any of it plugged into a Mac!)

I also second the idea that if your combined fax/copier/printer/scanner breaks, you'll possibly find yourself without a fax, copier, printer and scanner!

If you have to get one, a fax machine is relatively cheap these days.

Have fun,
=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer It must be bunnies!
Opinions for hire [POQ]