Since Tuesday last week I have had over 80 junk emails.

34 people are convinced I need a lower mortgage
11 ubiquitous porn merchants, most of whom are trying to convince me that
now I don't need a credit card any longer to share in the delights they are
8 believe they can enlarge my penis by 27% (sic) with a herbal pill (it
would have to be a heavy pill with a string attached)
6 are worried about my baldness
7 think I am overweight
2 claim to have been very impressed with my website (I havent got one) but
believe they could help me to improve it
1 bloke wants to share his secrets with me on how to pick up beautiful women

And last but not least (I shouldn't be telling you this because it was
personal and confidential) Chief Eseimoku from Nigeria has chosen little
old me, so long as I can convince him of my transparency and negotiate an
appropriate commission to be his agent in the matter of a deposit of 49.5
million US dollars which he will put in my account .
I was tempted by this, because with appropriate commission of say 10
million AUS I wouldn't have to worry about my baldness, fatness and short
penis. I don't think I would have any trouble attracting beautiful women
and best of all, I could get Onno to do my websites.
The problem is how could I explain it to my bank manager .

After more than 100 years of free compulsory education it is as SBS says
a truly amazing world we live in