128Mb of RAM for photoshop 7 could be the problem!

seriously, the new adobe stuff seem to rely on the profiles for coloursync &
such, I'd be checking out this (system-wide) stuff. This is full-fat
photoshop, not the diet version, ya?


> Hi
> A colleague has a problem with Photoshop 7 when it displays colour images.
> I'm sure I have come across this before but I can't remember what it was
> now.
> All colour images open in mono. Splash screen is colour, as are the tool bar
> icons, plus finder icon. Colour swatch though is in mono also.
> I have not seen their set-up and only spoken by phone. They are using
> G4/128RAM, that's all I know. They have re-installed, trashed prefs, etc,
> etc.
> Does anyone know of this?
> Thanks in advace
> Jon
> Beneath Southern Skies
> Jon Davison & Tom Allibone
> A celebration of 100 years of Australian Aviation
> € 272 page coffee-table book case-bound
> € Interviews throughout
> € Images by aviation photographer Jon Davison
> € Archival section
> € For release August 2003
> € URL <http://www.eyeinthesky.com.au/southern.html>
> € Published by Lothian Books
> € <http://www.lothian.com.au>
> € Produced by ESP <http://www.eyeinthesky.com.au
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> Tel: + 61 8 9380 6508
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> Tel: + 61 7 3277 6566
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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